Beverly Hills Mini Tummy Tuck
Tummy tucks are popular surgical procedures, particularly after significant weight loss or pregnancy. But not all patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their abdomens fall into those categories. Patients with excessive fatty tissue and sagging skin below the belly button are also candidates for a less invasive version of the tummy tuck, known as a mini tummy tuck.
Dr. Tarick Smiley is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, California. He is also an active member of the Plastic Surgery Foundation for which he has received 1st place awards for his publications and presentations.
Tummy tucks are popular surgical procedures, particularly after significant weight loss or pregnancy. But not all patients who are unhappy with the appearance of their abdomens fall into those categories. Patients with excessive fatty tissue and sagging skin below the belly button are also candidates for a less invasive version of the tummy tuck, known as a mini tummy tuck.
The principals of a tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck are the same. An incision is made just above the pubic area, excess fat is removed, muscles are tightened, then excess skin is removed. However, because less skin is to be removed and muscles require less tightening, a much smaller incision is required to perform this procedure (typically only about 10 -15 cm).
Because less skin is to be removed, it is not necessary to detach and re-attach the belly button, which often is the case with a standard tummy tuck. This is where the term “scarless tummy tuck” came about. It is important to know that you will still have a scar from a mini tummy tuck; however you will have no visible scars. The incision is carefully made just above the public zone, low enough to be able to hide the scar with underwear or a swimsuit.
Recovery from a mini tummy tuck is similar to that of a standard tummy tuck, but is often-time a bit shorter because the mini tummy tuck technique is less invasive. After surgery, it is recommended to take at least one week off of work. You will be required to wear a compression garment for 2-3 weeks and may require a small drain to rid of excess fluid for about a week. It is important to refrain from strenuous activities for at least 6 weeks.
Tummy tuck scars will fade over 6 months to a year after your surgery. We recommend our 12 week Kelocote Scar Treatment Program to help the healing process and improve the appearance of your scar.
Your tummy tuck journey will begin with an initial consultation and evaluation with Dr. Smiley. During this consultation, he will evaluate your skin tone and abdominal fat deposits, in addition to your overall level of health. When you are talking to Dr. Smiley, it’s important to be honest about all of the medications you are currently taking, as well as whether or not you regularly use alcohol or tobacco.
Once a full assessment of your specific case has been completed, Dr. Smiley will be able to recommend the best course of action for you. Depending on your goals and the shape of your body, he may recommend liposuction, tummy tuck with liposuction, mini tummy tuck, standard tummy tuck, or advanced techniques. Although Dr. Smiley’s recommendation may be different than your initial expectations, you can count on him to provide you with the best tummy tuck recommendation to achieve optimal results.
In addition to discussing the surgery itself, Dr. Smiley will also talk to you about where the procedure will take place, how long it will take to complete, the type of anesthesia that will be used, tummy tuck cost and any other questions that you have on your mind. You will also be given guidelines about how you should handle drinking, eating, medications and smoking prior to your procedure. If you carefully follow these instructions, you will be able to significantly minimize the risk of complications arising during or after your procedure.
Risks associated with the mini tummy tuck include: unfavorable scarring (keloids), seroma, hematoma, infection, possible revision surgery and risks associated with the use of general anesthesia.

Dr. Smiley's Mini Tummy Tuck
Dr. Smiley is regarded as the best in the field for his types of excellent procedures related to tummy tucks. His results speak for themselves and so does his track record. He is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a highly respected member of the medical community, who specializes in tummy tuck procedures. Dr. Smiley has performed thousands of these operations, with excellent results that speak for themselves.